By your power O Lord, I reject backwardness, death, sorrow, calamity, depression,rejection, sadness but claim uplift,divine promotions, success, favour, financial breakthrough and unprecedented divine Miracles in the name of Jesus. Please, claim this prayer points to yourself and the power of God that transcends all powers, will manifested itself in your life in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Knowing the Bible: Treasure on Ritual in the Bible.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Are You A Giver? What the Holy Book says regarding Liberality and giving with a Cheerful and Liberal Heart.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Prayers: 4 Reasonable Tips that makes you a Prayer Warrior.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Supplication for Protection Through the Precious Blood Of Jesus.
Supplication For Protection Through The Precious Blood Of Jesus.
Ruler JESUS, by confidence in your benefits, I currently take your valuable blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family directly from the crown of my head to the actual bottoms of my feet. I guarantee absolute and complete assurance for my life and my family. Ruler JESUS, keep me free today from evil, sin, enticement, Satan's assaults and burdens, dread of obscurity, dread of man, ailment, sicknesses, questions, outrage, all catastrophes and from all that isn't of thy Kingdom.
Fill me Lord JESUS with endowment of your Holy SPIRIT and award me the endowment of insight, information, comprehension and wisdom so I will live today in your brilliance by doing what is correct.
I acclaim you, Jesus
I Thank you, Jesus
I Love you, Jesus
I Adore you, Jesus
Essence of God, you makes me see everything, and shows me the best approach to arrive at my beliefs, you who gives me the heavenly blessing to pardon and never revisit some unacceptable that is done to me, and you who are altogether cases of my existence with me, I in this short discourse need to thank you for everything an assert again that I never need to be isolated from you regardless of how extraordinary the material craving might be. I need to be with you and my friends and family in your Perpetual Glory.
Much thanks to you, Holy Spirit for your affection towards me and my friends and family.
So be it
This supplication ought to be said for 03 sequential days. After the third day the solicitation will be in all actuality, regardless of how troublesome it very well might be.
Prayers : Supplications FOR PEACE AMONG NATION.
All-powerful God our wonderful Father, control the countries of the world into the method of equity and truth, and build up among them that harmony which is the product of nobility, that they may turn into the realm of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So be it.
God-like God, fuel, we implore, in each heart the genuine affection of harmony, and guide with your insight the individuals who consult the countries of the earth, that in serenity your territory may increment until the earth is loaded up with the information on your adoration; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and rules with you, in the solidarity of the Holy Spirit, one God, presently and for ever. So be it.
Individual PRAYER.
O God:
Invigorate me live one more day;
Let me not turn weakling before its troubles or demonstrate weakling to its obligations;
Let me not lose confidence in others;
Keep me sweet and sound of heart, notwithstanding selfishness, injustice, or unpleasantness;
Protect me from disapproving of little stings or giving them;
Assist me with keeping my heart clean, and to live so sincerely and bravely that no outward disappointment can dispirit me or remove the delight of cognizant uprightness;
Open wide the eyes of my spirit that I may see great on the whole things;
Award me this day some new vision of thy truth;
Rouse me with the soul of happiness and joy;
furthermore, make me the cup of solidarity to enduring spirits;
for the sake of the solid Deliverer, our solitary Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So be it.
Award us persistence, O Lord, to follow the street you have taken. Let our certainty not rest in our own seeing yet in your controlling hand; let our cravings not be for our own solace, however for the delight of your realm; for your cross is our expectation and our happiness now and unto the day of forever. So be it.
Heavenly God, your insight into me surpasses what I handle or find at whatever second; you know me better than I know myself. Presently, assist me with confiding in your kindness, to see myself in the light of your heavenliness, and award me the elegance that I may have genuine penitence, make a legitimate admission, and find in you absolution and wonderful abatement. So be it.
Master Jesus, who went with the followers headed for Emmaus: Be with us in transit, that we may know you in the sacred texts, in the eating, and in the hearts of all whom we meet. So be it.
I give God a debt of gratitude is in order for all that was acceptable in the day that is finishing. I ask God's leniency on my wrongdoings and oversights this day. I look for God's tranquility in my home and on the whole the world this evening. So be it
O God, it is by your blessing that evening follows day and that rest reestablishes us after work, while we cheer to get these gifts, make us careful that they come from your thoughtful hand. So be it
Yours, O Lord, is the day; yours additionally is the evening; award that the Sun of Righteousness may withstand consistently in our souls, to drive away all evil contemplations and to alleviate our feelings of trepidation, that we may consistently know the light of Jesus' quality. So be it
O Lord support us all the day long, until the shadows protract and the evening come, and the bustling scene is quieted, and the fever of life is finished, and our work is finished. At that point, in thy kindness, award us a protected housing, and a blessed rest, and harmony at the last. So be it
Monday, October 14, 2019
Prayer for Success.
Pray always , pray anywhere. Lord, God of heaven, I worship and honour you, for every good things come from you and you alone. I thank you for a the successes which you have granted me in my education, job, business and career. I thank you for all the favour which you have granted me in the sight of men and women in Jesus name.
1. Lord, anoint me with fresh oil of favour and success. Exalt my horns O God in the name of Jesus.
2. Grant me favour and success to always see positivism in the name of Jesus.
3. Let the will of God for me be manifested in Jesus name. Give my helpers no rest until they have helped me in the name of Jesus.
4. Every information, idea, understanding, knowledge and revelations I need for success in my business in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord God, every person that you have ordained to be a blessing unto my life, I command that your Angels begin to bring them across my way in the name of Jesus.
6. I connect to success at work, success in business, success in examination, grace for multiplication and blossoms in the name of Jesus.
7. Lord, subdue nations, exam, business etc before me and loose the loins of kings unto me so that they will favor me in the name of Jesus.
8. Today, in the name of Jesus, I put off the garment of sorrow and put up the garment of success, favor and breakthrough in your name. Amen.
9. Oh Lord God, let more of your grace abound in my life in the name of Jesus.
10. Thank you father for favouring and making me outstanding in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Friday, December 21, 2018
Prayer for Peace and Joy in the Family.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
"IF they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures- Job 36:11 "
"Did you desire god's restoration or divine restoration of health, marriage, relationship, financial restoration, job restoration, restoration of broken relationship, destiny restoration, glory restoration, prayers for marriage restoration or simply looking for "prayer for my marriage to be restored"? If you can pray this prayer points from the bottom of your heart with faith, the Lord God is ready to grant total restoration over your life and your life will never be same again in the name of Jesus."
Good Morning Prayer : Father, I bless you for who you are, you never sleep nor slumber.You are more than what I think or say, be magnified O Lord. I thank you Lord because you are God who restores, you never break your covenant, nor alter anything which you have spoken. Psalm 89:34.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord,I ask for restoration upon my life. Restore everything of time, resources, finances and happiness that I have lost in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, restore every of my blessing , success and wasted years in Jesus name.
3. Restore peace in our Nations in the name of Jesus.
4. Restore peace, joy, happiness, unity in my life, family and marriage in Jesus name.
5. Restore unto me every of my blessings that the enemy has withheld, exchange or diverted in Jesus name.
6. Today, I pray to you O Lord, let your angels gather unto me all my blessings and resources which Satan has stolen from me in Jesus name.
7. Father, let your angels begin to bear me up in every area I have stumbled. Let your angels carry me and place me in my blessings in Jesus name.
8. Lord, cause my helpers to locate me in Jesus name.
9. Father, I was a fool in the area of money and time management. restore unto me the power to make wealth and bring my helper, promoter, favor-er to me wherever they are located in the name of Jesus.
10. I thank you Lord for restoring all my wasted resources, marriage, finances and years in the name of Jesus. Amen.
11. Father, turn embarrassing situations in my life in the name of Jesus.
12. Lord, restore help to save me from frustrating situations in the name of Jesus.
13. My God, deliver me from the curse of begging and borrowing in the name of Jesus.
14. Holy Spirit, end yearly financial struggle in my life in the name of Jesus.
15. Holy Spirit, restore unto me the power of praise in the name of Jesus.
redeem christian church of god.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Why You Must Sin No More.
"Ezekiel 18:20: “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”
The Bible tells us that the wages of Sin is death. But the fact is that our heavenly Father, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, offers the gift of Eternal life for Jesus Christ gives us hope. According to Tim Challies by Tim Challies, of which I quote there is a great danger of be a sinner. Hear him more... I have preached the truth a hundred times to others and a thousand times to myself: You can’t sin without consequence. That’s not the way God has structured his world. It’s not the way God has structured his people. For Christians, the ultimate consequences have been fully paid by Jesus Christ, but this does not mean there is no reason to fear immediate consequences. Here, with an assist from a favorite writer, are four grave dangers in every sin.
The Danger of Becoming Hardened
The Danger of Divine Correction
The Danger of Drained Peace and Strength
The Danger of Eternal Destruction
Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins.
Lead us back to the way of holiness.
Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin.
May we ever keep safe in all its fullness
the gift your love once gave us
and your mercy now restores.
Monday, January 8, 2018
It Is Not Too Late.
Glory be to God. Have you ever gone to a post office to post a letter with the mind of having the letter delivered the same day? Upon getting to the post office, you were told that you were too late and that the workers had stopped work for that day.
Have you ever gone to the hospital with a grievous illness? On getting there you were told that you were late and your situation was hopeless and that you should go back home.
These are just a few of the instances where we meet with disappointment. However the good news is that the Salvation of your soul is not too late since you are still alive. It is not too late for you to make a u- turn to your Creator, it is not too late to heed the call of GOD, it is not too late to turn to the Lord God today. You have been wallowing in sin for too long but in so far as you are alive it is not too late for you. Your situation is not hopeless.
The patience of God is still waiting for you to take a step of faith to God through the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Way, Truth and Life- John 14:6. Jesus Christ says, "Whosoever comes to me, I will win in no wise cast out"- John 6:37. Jesus Christ says again, "Come unto Me all those who labor are heavy laden, I will give you Rest- Matthew 11: 28-30.
Do you realize that there is just a step between you and death? The word of God says, "It is given unto men to die only once, after this comes judgement- Hebrews 9:27. However since you are still alive, it is not too late to submit to your Creator.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Prayer For Safety And Protection Quotes.
The Lord is my Mighty one. He is my wide river of protection that no enemy can cross or that any enemy ship can sail upon (Isaiah 33:21). I am strengthened and helped by the Lord. I am held up by His victorious right hand, therefore all my angry enemies lie confused and humiliated.
Those who oppose me come to nothing. Those who try to conquer me are looked for in vain. Those who attack me come to nothing. The Lord holds my right hand and helps me(Isaiah 41:10-14).
The Lord watches over me sleeplessly. He is my protective shade and nothing in the day or in the night can harm me. I am lifted from the dust. They are struck with God's scepter and rod of punishment and fought by his mighty arm(Isaiah 30:31,32).
When going through the deep waters, he is with me. When I go through the river of difficulties, I will not frown. When I walk through fire, I will not be burned up, the flames will not consume me. Others are given in exchange for me. Their lives are traded for mine because God had made me precious to Himself and has put honor on me (Isaiah 43:2-4).
I shall not die but live and show forth His glory in the land of the living .(Psalm 118:17).
Friday, October 20, 2017
Confession Of A Convert.
I was born to a well meaning parents who welcome me into this world with great Joy, lots of ceremonies and entertainments. I was given very good cares especially , in the area of feeding and family love. I attended good schools and and fare very well in my early life. Later, as the days went by, I found myself in the midst of some friends, purposeless, self governed, reckless peer group from above mentioned.
I learn to smoke, drink and also to flirt. We were more active in the nights than in the days . We involved in wild living , fights, violence, rape, dupe, rough and dirty deals. But, not quite long,I became a drug addict , a drunkard and a prostitute. I was often soaked in hot drinks, I drank much, and when drunk, I lost control of myself always. I became temporary mad and usually misbehaved like a fool, indeed a drunkard is a fool, as I really was. I was a fool in three main areas, namely, 1. In the area of my soul welfare . I mocked at the gospel of my salvation. 2. I was a fool in the aspect of sex. I was sexually faceless, reckless and shameless. 3. I was a fool in the area of money and time management.
How stupidly I involved myself talking too much about useless issues, , paying unnecessary, wasting precious time on matters of little or no importance. It is a pity. I wasted my hole life as I foolishly wasted my towns.
But, one day one glorious day, I read a simple tract and read some Bible verses quoted in it. Then I repented of my sins, confessed and forsook them. I gave my life to Christ who gave me a new heart and new life. So in the name of Jesus I become a new creature now in Christ.
today, who oppose me come to nothing. Those who try to conquer me are looked for in vain. Those who attack me come to nothing. The Lord holds my right hand and helps me(Isaiah 41:10-14).
Monday, October 9, 2017
Danger And Deliverance From Cultism Meaning.
It was on 3rd of October, 2017. A Secondary School boy of about 16 years old made this startling confession: "I had a quarrel with another boy in my class and reported him to my cult partners. According to the rule of cult: "one for all, all for one", they felt hurt and determined to revenge on him. They advised me to reconcile with him falsely, and entice him into a bush near the school premises. On getting there, four cult boys who had been in ambush came out suddenly on the unsuspecting boy and forced him to drink a ready poison and about five minutes later, he died and we ran away leaving the corpse. I also have committed sexual immorality with many categories of women, married and unmarried.
Cults are spreading wide and growing wild day by day. The evils of cultism is eating deep into the social, moral, psychological and spiritual condition of our people. Many youths in the schools and many adults in the business world are secretly involved in cultism, in their sensual effort to pass exams, gain power, attain positions, make cheap money, gain popularity, win court cases, escape death by accidents and enemies attacks. Those who are involved in cult activities have some common characteristics: they are very secretive, heartless, bloody, violent, immoral and lack of fear of God and faith in Christ. Although they may appear pious of religious, they are satanic, wolves in sheep's clothing( 1 John 1:5 ), Leviticus 20:6, 27. Cultism has greatly increased the rate of evils, vices and atrocities and crimes in our society's. Armed robbery, drug addiction, violence, vandalism, harlotry, bribery, rape, homosexuality, corruption, murder, suicide, rituals, in almost all places, are all result of the demonic activities of cult men and women.
Their weapons of attacks include axes, knife, cutlass, dagger, gun, acid and many others. Cultism is sinful and God will punish it. Beloved, are you a cultist? Fear the sure coming judgement of God on every cultist. Jesus loves you. He died for you at Calvary. Turn to Jesus today. Repent and confess your sins to God. Believe in Jesus redemptive work and ask Him to deliver and save you today.
1. Worship in an assembly where the undiluted truth is taught and be fervent in prayer- Psalm 15:2.
2. Walking upright in the gathering of saints- Mika 2:7b
3.Read your Bible every day that Jesus Christ may formed in you- Joshua 1:8.
4. Obey the word of God: The Holy Bible- Revelation 3:10.
5. Take up your cross and follow Christ Jesus daily- Matthew 16:24.
Friday, October 6, 2017
15 Prayer Focus For The Week.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint"- Isaiah 40:31
1. I refuse to be spiritually weak, O Lord, set my life on fire of your work in Jesus name - Leviticus 6:13.
2. Father, let the blessing and miracles of 10 days at Shiloh be visible in my life, family, business and marriage in Jesus name. Amen- Act 1:3.
3. Every power or force, man or woman working against prosperity, progress, fruitfulness in my life and family, receive judgement by fire in the name of Jesus.- Isaiah 54:17.
4. Father, glorify yourself in all areas of my life in Jesus name- Isaiah 49:3
5. Father, over our Nations, pour out your grace and mercy in Jesus name- Matthew 6:10.
6. Father in the name of Jesus, let me have something great to show for your effort in my life.
7. Today, your Miracle shall be delivered to you in the name of Jesus.
8. This new month, the enemies of your destiny shall give up on you in the name of Jesus.
9. Because you believe, your tears are wiped away in the name of Jesus.
10. In the name of Jesus, this new month shall be a month to remember by you for prosperity and blessings. Amen.
11. This new month, you are redeemed to walk in dominion, therefore, no more setbacks for you in the name of Jesus. Heaven on earth shall be reality for you in the mighty name of Jesus.
12. This new month, that siege over your life and Family is over in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
13. This new month, as the anointing of God comes upon you, your business and everything you laid your hands upon shall prosper and all your debts be paid in the name of Jesus. Amen
14. Every generational curse, spell and enchantment afflicting your lineage has no more hold on you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
15. Because you believe in His name, receive grace to keep growing in the name of Jesus. Prophetic testimonies will trail your steps as from today in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Monday, October 2, 2017
You Can Live Your Best Life Now. Don't Be Limited By A Lack Of Faith!
A woman shopping in Houston happily hummed a tune as she collected the items she wished to purchase and approached the cashier. The Clerk just stared at her for a long moment, as thou wondering what was wrong with her, offering an obligatory. "how are you doing today?". That is all it took. The woman nearly bubbled over. "How nice of you to ask! I am doing great. I am so blessed!"
The clerk looked at the woman quizzically for a moment and then said, "Let me ask you a question. Do you go to Lakewood Church?" "Why, yes I do. How did you guess?". The clerk shook her head and smiled, "I should have known. Everybody that comes in here like you is from Lakewood." What a great compliment!
That is the way it should be. God's people should be the happiest on earth. So happy, in fact, that other people notice. Why? Because we not only have a fabulous future, we can enjoy life today!. Living your best life now means being excited about the life God has given you. It means believing for more good things in the days ahead, while leaving in the moment and enjoying it to the hilt.
Too often we get comfortable with where we are in life and use that as an excuse to remain in mediocrity. My parents were poor, we say with a pout. Before them,my grandparents were poor. Nobody in my family has ever amounted to much, so I guess I won't either.
Do not believe that lie. My dad came from the poorest of families. His parents were cotton farmers, and they lost everything in the great depression. My grandmother worked for 14 to 15 hours a day washing peoples clothes earning 10 cents an hour. They were good people, but nobody in our family line had ever amounted to much living instead under a curse of ;poverty and defeat. Let me challenge you the more. Do not travel the road for the next 50 years and be at the same place you are today. Maybe you came from a family like my dad where they did not have much. Perhaps you hail from a long line of divorce, failure, depression or mediocrity. You need to say. "Enough is Enough". I am going to start believing God for bigger and better things.
"Dream bigger dreams. God wants to do more than you can even ask or think. Start living your best life now!. Yes, but Joel, It is been a rough year. I have gone through so many disappointments. I have lost a lot of good things."Maybe so, but have you considered this: If it were not for the goodness of God, you might have lost it all. Why not be grateful for what you have? Quit looking at what is wrong and start thanking God for what is right. Get up each day expecting God's favor. This could be the day you get your Miracle. The day you meet the person of your dreams. The day your Child returns home. That is how you stay enthusiastic, even in tough time. You stay filled with hope.
What If I do all that and nothing happens? I hear you saying, I'll go to bed all discouraged, another disappointment. "No you can go to bed saying , God, even though it did not happen today, I am still believing for good things in my life, knowing that I am one day closer to a breakthrough.
Friend, no matter what you have been through, no matter whose fault it was, no matter how impossible your situation may look, the good news is that God wants to turn it around and restore what has been stolen from you. Most of all, He wants to restore your relationships with Him.
Start expecting things to change in your favor. It is your faith that activates the power of God.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Remember , if you obey God and are willing to trust Him, you will have the best this life has to offer- and more. You can start living your best life now in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
God Of Consuming Fire.
There are many people who think that it is only when they pray to God that help comes down. The greatest victories that the Children of Israel experienced manifested in an atmosphere of praise. There is always a point where you do not know what to do again, especially when you have done all you can. This is the time when you should begin to dance to the Lord and praise Him. Paul and Silas were unjustly thrown into the prison, when they did not know what to do next, they turned to praise. Because our God is a consuming fire, the next moment , all the doors leading into the prison flung open, not for them to escape, but for the people to know the potency of the God they were praising. Are you in prison? Do you think there is something very precious to you? Have you just received a sack letter or a negative medical report? Whatever is your case is, just begin to dance before the Lord This is a way of committing God to rise on your behalf. Today , God of consuming fire will crush all your enemies to death.
Dance before God over that your problems. When you dance before God and you praise Him with the whole of your heart, you will begin to enjoy divine favour and there will be a divine acceleration to your place of celebration. When you praise God, all your enemies become silenced because your dance will provoke God to rise in your defense.
1. Father, please, remove everything that will stop You from rising on my behalf. Amen.
2. Jesus, let the power in your Name set me free. Amen.
3. O present help, please help me today to solve all problems in the name of Jesus.
4. My Father in Heaven, I decree according to your Word, every mountain threatening my destiny is removed now in Jesus Name.
5. Father , as you consume my enemies with fire, please, make me to experience your mighty deeds this season in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
7 Simple Daily Prayers Important For Christians In All Nations.
1. Listen to my prayer.
Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace. (Psalm 86:6)
“God will not lend his strength to selfish dreams, but he waits to supernaturally empower acts of self-less service.”
2. Save me, and keep me.
Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you — you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. (Psalm 86:2–3)
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 1:24–25)
3. Make my heart happy in you.
Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. (Psalm 86:4)
4. Teach me your ways.
Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth. (Psalm 86:11)
“Never settle for anything less than joy, and never assume you’ll find it without asking God for it.”
5. Give me your strength.
Turn to me and be gracious to me; give your strength to your servant. (Psalm 86:16)
6. Unite my heart to fear you.
Unite my heart to fear your name. (Psalm 86:11)
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here’s my heart, oh, take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
7. Reveal yourself through me.
Show me a sign of your favor, that those who hate me may see and be put to shame because you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me. (Psalm 86:17)
“To be a Christian is to be killing sin.”
Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers.
Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers. Prayer is an essential aspect of the Christian faith and holds significant importance for fam...
RESTORATION PRAYER - 15 PRAYER POINTS FOR RESTORATION. "IF they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and the...
What the Holy book says regarding liberality and giving with a liberal heart? As Christians, the Good book is clear all through...
THE MIRACLE PRAYER. Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word wit...