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Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How God will protect you today.

"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven- Ecclesiastes 3:1".

Yes, he has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions- Daniel 6:27. There have been times in your life when you wanted God to rescue you from certain pits but you think He did not. Why? Because he wanted you to learn that His grace was sufficient in the pit. The question is never, "What will God do when all around me spells destruction? The questions is, "What will I do? I may not be able to conquer the Lions, but I do not have to- that is my God job. Daniel said, " My God sent his angel, and .... shut the mouths of the lions...because I was found innocent in his sight. I may not be able to stop legislation from being enacted against me, but like Daniel, I can call on my God and He will answer me.
" Come what may, God's purpose for my life shall be established and fulfilled in the name of Jesus".

Monday, February 12, 2018

Why You Must Sin No More.


"Ezekiel 18:20: “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”

The Bible tells us that the wages of Sin is death. But the fact is that our heavenly Father, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, offers the gift of Eternal life for Jesus Christ gives us hope. According to Tim Challies by Tim Challies, of which I quote there is a great danger of be a sinner. Hear him more...  I have preached the truth a hundred times to others and a thousand times to myself: You can’t sin without consequence. That’s not the way God has structured his world. It’s not the way God has structured his people. For Christians, the ultimate consequences have been fully paid by Jesus Christ, but this does not mean there is no reason to fear immediate consequences. Here, with an assist from a favorite writer, are four grave dangers in every sin.

The Danger of Becoming Hardened

The first danger is the danger of becoming hardened. The fact is, sin means to harden you against the love and mercy of God. In fact, the ultimate aim of each and every sin, no matter how small it seems, is to fully harden you against God. John Owen warns you must, “Take heed, use all means, consider your temptations, watch diligently; there is a treachery, a deceit in sin, that tends to the hardening of your hearts from the fear of God.” Every sin nudges you toward a complete and utter hardness of heart. The fact is, your sin is always several steps ahead of you. “Is it not enough to make any heart tremble, to think of being brought into that estate wherein he should have slight thoughts of sin? Slight thoughts of grace, of mercy, of the blood of Christ, of the law, heaven, and hell, come all in at the same season. Take heed, this is that [which you sin] is working toward—the hardening of the heart, searing of the conscience, blinding of the mind, stupifying of the affections, and deceiving of the whole soul.”

The Danger of Divine Correction

The second danger is the danger of divine correction. Your sin may lead God to bring some kind of discipline against you, even though he still forgives you. “Though God should not utterly cast you off for this abomination that lies in your heart, yet he will visit you with the rod; though he pardon and forgive, he will take vengeance of your inventions.” God, as a loving Father, sometimes disciplines you for your own good. The love you have for your children sometimes leads you to discipline them for their sin, and the same is true of God’s love for you. The sin you long to commit may just bring his corrective discipline upon you.

The Danger of Drained Peace and Strength

The third danger is that sin may drain you of spiritual peace and strength. Your sin may bring about long-term consequences that will extend through all of life. “It is perhaps but a little while and you shall see the face of God in peace no more. Perhaps by tomorrow you shall not be able to pray, read, hear or perform any duties with the least cheerfulness, life, or vigor; and possibly you may never see a quiet hour while you live…” And all of this may come about because you chose to sin and you are now bearing the consequences. You cannot sin wilfully and recklessly without consequence.

The Danger of Eternal Destruction

The greatest danger of all is that if you continue in sin you may prove you are not saved at all and, therefore, face God’s wrath. “There is such a connection between a continuance in sin and eternal destruction that though God does resolve to deliver some from a continuance in sin that they may not be destroyed, yet he will deliver none from destruction that continue in sin; so that while anyone lies under an abiding power of sin, the threats of destruction and everlasting separation from God are to be held out to him.” While sin–even serious sin–does not necessarily prove that you are unsaved, continuing in sin without any progress against it, should stand as a serious warning. If you continue unrepentant in your sin, you prove you are not saved at all and will leave this life to face God’s eternal judgment.
Hear, Lord, the prayers we offer from contrite hearts. 
Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins. 
Lead us back to the way of holiness. 
Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin. 
May we ever keep safe in all its fullness 
the gift your love once gave us 
and your mercy now restores.


Monday, January 8, 2018

It Is Not Too Late.


Glory be to God. Have you ever gone to a post office to post a letter with the mind of having the letter delivered the same day? Upon getting to the post office, you were told that you were too late and that the workers had stopped work for that day.
Have you ever gone to the hospital with a grievous illness? On getting there you were told that you were late and your situation was hopeless and that you should go back home.

  These are just a few of the instances where we meet with disappointment. However the good news is that the Salvation of your soul is not too late since you are still alive. It is not too late for you to make a u- turn to your Creator, it is not too late to heed the call of GOD, it is not too late to turn to the Lord God today. You have been wallowing in sin for too long but in so far as you are alive it is not too late for you. Your situation is not hopeless.  

   The patience of God is still waiting for you to take a step of faith to God through the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Way, Truth and Life- John 14:6. Jesus Christ says, "Whosoever comes to me, I will win in no wise cast out"- John 6:37. Jesus Christ says again, "Come unto Me all those who labor are heavy laden, I will give you Rest- Matthew 11: 28-30.

     Do you realize that there is just a step between  you and death? The word of God says, "It is given unto men to die only once, after this comes judgement- Hebrews 9:27. However since you are still alive, it is not too late to submit to your Creator.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 : Pray For You.

2018 : PRAY FOR YOU.
See here what God will do for you this year. Believe it and you will have cause to Celebrate in the name of Jesus. Amen.

1. God will favour you like the morning sun. Your steps shall be ordered of God and you shall not walk in darkness this year in the name of Jesus.

2. He will heal your wounds quickly in the name of Jesus.

3. The Lord God will never leave you nor forsake this year.

4.  He will keep and protect you.

5. Because you believe there is power in the name of Jesus, your prayers will be answered.

6. He will keep you healthy and strong.

7. This year, you will be like a garden that has plenty of water and like a spring of water that never dry. You will never dry of His manifestation of blessings, divine favor, divine help, financial uplifts and success in all your undertakings this year in the name of Jesus.

8. You will be raise  from rags to riches, zero to hero and nothing to something in the name of Jesus.

9. This year, enemies of progress will not triumph over yo in the name of Jesus.

10. Because you believe in the Christ Jesus, things shall no longer be difficult for you. There is peace in and around you in the name of Jesus.

11. This year, you will not be poor, you will be rich and wealthy in the name of Jesus.

13. Father, end the joy of my enemy in the name of Jesus.

14. Power in the name of Jesus, this year, cause my enemy to experience sorrow that will render him or her powerless in the name of Jesus.

15. Your God shall arise to humble every man or woman who is taking position with the devil to be your enemy, such person shall come to unending sorrow like pharaoh in the name of Jesus. Amen.
For more prayers, visit :

Monday, December 25, 2017

Why Is Prayer So Difficult?...How To Get Your Prayer Life.

I grew up in church, but I never learned how to pray. At that church, prayer was a ritual of memorized chants and 90-second moments of silence to throw in your own two cents. I never really gave much thought to what I was saying. Because when you memorize, you don’t have to think. You just do what you already know to do. No thought needed.
Suffice it to say there was no learning how to pray. Not in the way that I think of prayer now. It wasn’t a conversation with God. It was lip service to God. It wasn’t necessarily heartfelt. Honestly, it was mind-numbing. Literally, my mind would go blank because the memory muscles would kick in. I wasn’t praying to God.
I was an autopilot with God.
I never understood the power of prayer until I made a Spirit-led transition to seek God beyond what religion offered. Beyond the chanting and the memorizing and the two cents. I desired to speak to Him directly, but never knew how.
I remember attending a women’s small group one night, where I had this eerie feeling that someone was going to ask me to pray. And I had never prayed before out loud. So I was horrified when this new group of women that I’ve known for two seconds asked me to pray. Out loud. I had been found out.
I wasn’t a real Christian because I didn’t know how to pray.
At least that’s how I felt. I thought…How can I do something that I don’t know how to do? How can I be expected to pray in public when I barely pray in private? How am I supposed to come up with this sophisticated, eloquent prayer right on the spot when I haven’t practiced memorizing typical prayer talk?
Prayer is difficult when you don’t know how to pray.
Devote yourselves to prayer
Colossians 4:2a CSB
Paul commends the Church to devote time to prayer, not just here in Colossians, but throughout the Epistles.
Jesus prayed often throughout the books of the Gospel, whether to heal sick or to avoid the cup.
David’s Psalms aren’t just songs of worship. They are prayers to his Heavenly Father.
What is it that they understood that I’m missing? Why were they so into prayer? And why is it so difficult for me to pray?
Because it’s full of power.
The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.
James 5:16b CSB
I have mixed feelings about power.
Power can be used to oppress or uplift. Power can be used to devour or heal. Power can be dangerous or divine.
Prayer is difficult because it holds power.
And honestly, I’m afraid of what that power has the potential to do.
I’ve never thought of myself as a powerful person, so it’s no wonder why I’ve never considered becoming a prayer warrior. With prayer, movement happens. Change is inevitable. Prayer works because it shifts the scale of power by the favor and will of God. Prayer means change, and change can be scary.
I wish I could say that my prayer life is amazing. It’s not. It’s still a work in progress. It will be until the day of Christ. I’ve settled into that revelation, but that doesn’t excuse me from settling into a lackluster life of mediocre prayer. I desire to have deeper dialogue with God. But it all starts with learning how to pray and developing a different mindset towards prayer.
What struggles do you have in your prayer life? What have you noticed holds you back from a life devoted to prayer? Share your revelations below.
This post, Why is Prayer so Difficult?, is part of a series, How to Get Your Prayer Life, to help us strengthen our relationship with God by the dynamic opportunity to communicate directly with the Creator of all things.

How To Overcome Setback With Prayers From The Holy Bible And Enjoy Unending Season Of Celebration.


To have or experience setback reveals that the devil or enemy is aware of God's plan for your given life. Setback is a function of delay or hindrance set up to resisist divine way of help and blessing, hence you need power of prayers to conquer setback.

  Setback can be expressed as a situation or condition which puts you at the disadvantage of progress. No destiny is safe with setback. Glory though ordained to be great cannot shine with setback. Death is even nearer when setback persists. The end of a life or thing is not far from its setback. Remember, that any situation that holds you to a spot will bring your life to a setback.

To conquer setback you need prayer. To conquer setback you need understanding and knowledge of how prayer works. To conquer setback, you need to rebuke the spirit of setback in your life, business,marriage or ministry so as to experience undeniable progress and true happiness that will put you among enviable great people in the society. Can you pray this prayers?


1. Setback is not my portion in the name of Jesus. I prophesy daily progress to my life with exceeding Celebration of wealth and riches, divine uplifts, divine miracles and unprecedented breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.

2. Today, I rebuked and destroy the power raised against my life to set me backward in the name of Jesus. Claim this prayers t yourself and God will empower you with enviable progress which will enable you to recover all that you have lost to setback in the name of Jesus.
You are blessed. Amen

Monday, October 9, 2017

Danger And Deliverance From Cultism Meaning.


It was on 3rd of October, 2017. A Secondary School boy of about 16 years old made this startling confession: "I had a quarrel with another boy in my class and reported him to my cult partners. According  to the rule of cult: "one for all, all for one", they felt hurt and determined to revenge on him. They advised me to reconcile with him falsely, and entice him into a bush near the school premises. On getting there, four cult boys who had been in ambush came out suddenly on the unsuspecting boy and forced him to drink a ready poison and about five minutes later, he died and we ran away leaving the corpse. I also have committed sexual immorality with many categories of women, married and unmarried.

     Cults are spreading wide and growing wild day by day. The evils of cultism is eating deep into the social, moral, psychological and spiritual condition of our people. Many youths in the schools and many adults in the business world are secretly involved in cultism, in their sensual effort to pass exams, gain power, attain positions, make cheap money, gain popularity, win court cases, escape death by accidents and enemies attacks. Those who are involved in cult activities have some common characteristics: they are very secretive, heartless, bloody, violent, immoral and lack of fear of God and faith in Christ. Although they may appear pious of religious, they are satanic, wolves in sheep's clothing( 1 John 1:5 ), Leviticus 20:6, 27. Cultism has greatly increased the rate of evils, vices and atrocities and crimes in our society's. Armed robbery, drug addiction, violence, vandalism, harlotry, bribery, rape, homosexuality, corruption, murder, suicide, rituals, in almost all places, are all result of the demonic activities of cult men and women.

Their weapons of attacks include axes, knife, cutlass, dagger, gun, acid and many others. Cultism is sinful and God will punish it. Beloved, are you a cultist? Fear the sure coming judgement of God on every cultist. Jesus loves you. He died for you at Calvary. Turn to Jesus today. Repent and confess your sins to God. Believe in Jesus redemptive work and ask Him to deliver and save you today.


1. Worship in an assembly where the undiluted truth is taught and be fervent in prayer- Psalm 15:2.

2. Walking upright in the gathering of saints- Mika 2:7b

3.Read your Bible every day that Jesus Christ may formed in you- Joshua 1:8.

4. Obey the word of God: The Holy Bible- Revelation 3:10.

5. Take up your cross and follow Christ Jesus daily- Matthew 16:24.

Friday, October 6, 2017

15 Prayer Focus For The Week.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint"- Isaiah 40:31

1. I refuse to be spiritually weak, O Lord, set my life on fire of your work in Jesus name - Leviticus 6:13.

2. Father, let the blessing and miracles of 10 days at Shiloh be visible in my life, family, business and marriage in Jesus name. Amen- Act 1:3.

3. Every power or force, man or woman working against prosperity, progress, fruitfulness in my life and family, receive judgement by fire in the name of Jesus.- Isaiah 54:17.

4. Father, glorify yourself in all areas of my life in Jesus name- Isaiah 49:3

5. Father, over our Nations, pour out your grace and mercy in Jesus name- Matthew 6:10.

6. Father in the name of Jesus, let me have something great to show for your effort in my life.

7. Today, your Miracle shall be delivered to you in the name of Jesus.

8. This new month, the enemies of your destiny shall give up on you in the name of Jesus.

9. Because you believe, your tears are wiped away in the name of Jesus.

10. In the name of Jesus, this new month shall be a month to remember by you for prosperity and blessings. Amen.

11. This new month, you are redeemed to walk in dominion, therefore, no more setbacks for you in the name of Jesus. Heaven on earth shall be reality for you in the mighty name of Jesus.

12. This new month, that siege over your life and Family is over in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

13. This new month, as the anointing of God comes upon you, your business and everything you laid your hands upon shall prosper and all your debts be paid in the name of Jesus. Amen

14. Every generational curse, spell and enchantment afflicting your lineage has no more hold on you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

15. Because you believe in His name, receive grace to keep growing in the name of Jesus. Prophetic testimonies will trail your steps as from today in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Why Do We Pray To God? 5 Benefits To A Consistent Life Of Prayers.


"Prayer Changes Things. God Is Able To Do More Than Man Can Understands."
Human heart is always longing for one thing or the other. Since the fall , mankind has always found itself in need of something deep, something that will give meaning to life. More than how to make something come to reality and a solution to all challenges, the needs to pray powerful prayers as a present help in time of needs to god could not be over emphasized.

Because, you pray to god, today mark the beginning of your Joy, Divine  Uplift, Promotion, Peace, Success And Breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
Songs  of praises unto god draws Angels of Heaven to your aura. It keeps away any power of the evil spirits and the manipulation of Satan.

Prayer made life easy. My prayer impacts whatever I am praying about. Whatever I pray to god on, it makes difference. To people it is like I am using a supernatural power. Whatever challenges, when I pray to god, it subdued. My advised to you is that, pray with prayer points that touches the area you are seeking god help upon. When things are not going on well never lose hope because of what you are going through, hold on to your dreams. Never give up because your dreams will come true if only you can pray to god. When things are bad, just remember things always get better if only you can pray with faith. Good things comes to those who pray to god.

When I pray to god, I commit the day to god. I get direction for the day. It is amazing what I get done when I pray over the list of things to do. Even when I got confused. Through prayer, you obtain wisdom and ideas from God anytime you are confused. According to the scriptures in, James 1:15 it says, "If any of you lack wisdom to do things, let him ask of God, that give willingly to all men liberally and upbraid not and it shall be given him". Prayer like this helps. "I thank you Lord God of Heaven for you are my Shepherd and you neither sleep nor slumber, Thy way is perfect O Lord. Holy Spirit of God, come and lead me today in every area of my life so that I will not stumble in Jesus name". Amen.

Prayer helps me avoid temptation. It impacts my family. It builds relationship. Jesus leads us to pray, "Lead me not into temptation". Prayer to god gives you power to overcome temptation, and to live a life of holiness. Matthew 26:41 says, "Watch  and pray that you fall not into temptation".

Through prayer, we confess our Sins to the Lord and obtain salvation and forgiveness from our Sins. Romans 10:13, says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". When I pray to god, it gives me the perspective of why I am in this world. It helps to perceive what Heavens and Eternity will be.

       We pray to god to overcome satanic powers. Prayer gives you power to overcome Satanic powers. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes not, but for to steal and to kill, and to destroy, I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly. Jesus has given power to overcome Satan and his agents, it is your duty to enforce it in prayer. Luke 10:19 says, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. ".

       We pray to god for Health reasons. I speak healing upon every part of my body everyday I pray. The Bible says, "For by His striped We  are Healed".
Answers for needs. Ask and you shall be given. For me, answers to my prayer needs comes in Miracle. Anytime I pray to God, answers to my prayer leads to divine miracle. I pray for you today that God will meet you at the point of your needs. You will not suffer again in the midst of abundance in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Great Commandment.


   " And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself ". Matthew 22:37-39.

I and my son was inside our Chalet. David was the second of my children, followed by Mary. I have been struggling for several hours to locate a document which I could not found. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work.

 Unknown tome, my Son David had been watching me wanting to help but not knowing what to do. I was about continue searching but before doing so, I looked up at David and said, David, please, pray for me. The boy did not know what to say, so he began with his usual prayer points and prayer requests, saying, God Almighty, bless my Daddy, bless my Mother, bless Mary, bless Glory. Amen. After the prayer, I tried once again to find the important documents I have been searching for and this time I succeeded in finding it. Hallelujah !

 Many at times, you found yourself in the same situation as David, not knowing what words to say. But, we still come to God with our need because our confidence lies not in ourselves nor in our intercession, but in our Lord Jesus Christ. He hears and knows our hearts,

When people struggle and still do not make meaningful progress in life you can tell they do not  have much fellowship with God. The love of God in there heart. The Bible did not say, love your God partially, it stated it clearly that, " love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind". Many people will be praying and have there mind somewhere, hence they complained that God did not hear their prayer requests. It is true because there mind is somewhere else.

 If you love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, the lord God will make you wise. He'll produce extraordinary results through you, you'll have an excellently fulfilled life. I am absolutely fulfilled in Him. My life has only been in one direction- upwards and forward- for one simple reason: walking in prayer with the Holy Spirit obeying the great commandments.

 Love God with all your heart. Although, we may not get what we thought we wanted when we pray to Him, we will receive God's best for our prayer partner knows our deepest needs. God hears more than words. He listens to the heart. In all the Bible say in Romans 8:26, "we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but God Himself makes intercession for us. According to Nicholson, He said, "Sometimes I do not pray in words- I take my heart in my two hands and hold it up before the Lord.I am so glad He understands because the Father loves me. Reciprocates this Love, "Love your God with all your hearts" and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus. amen.

                                 PRAYER POINTS.
1. Lord God, I surrender my future to you, let it be well kin the name of Jesus. Amen.

2. I decree in the name of Jesus, any bad situations in your life shall receive a divine full stop. Amen.

3. The Lord God will release upon you the anointing to fulfill your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

4. Today, I pray in the name of  Jesus that Songs of Joy and victory shall never cease in your home and Church.

5. Because you love your God with all your heart, I pray for you today in the name of Jesus that, no matter your tears now, you will laugh at last. All your hopes and expectations today shall not be cut short in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How To Find God With Your Prayer.

                                   HOW TO FIND GOD WITH YOUR PRAYER.
God dwells in us as long as we are born again. He is not far from us. He is with us anywhere we go. We need to intimate with the Lord by communicating and interacting with him in prayers. Many people stay without talking to the Lord, some say they do not know how, others claim they do not have any need to tell him about. 

Is it only when you have need that you communicate with your Child, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Relations or Friends? The answer is simply no, we need to talk with the Lord at all times. How to teach Children to pray, how to pray for your relationship, how to pray as a Muslim or Christian or how to pray to god has no rules that guide but sincerity on what comes from your heart.

God does not discriminate anyone, He is a Holy God. There is no respecter of persons with Him. He does not select the class or status of people He answers their prayers. The scriptures according to Deuteronomy 10: !7 says, "The Lord your God is God of Gods, and Lord of Lord, King of Kings, great God, Almighty and a terrible, which regard not persons or take reward. Everybody has access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through prayers. Find God with your prayer.

Ask and let your prayers come to thee. Prayer must be from the heart and must be done with every seriousness if you want to find god. To find God is to have your prayers answered by Him. Jesus prayed, and not only find God but the sweat that came out of His body was as thick as blood(Luke 22:44). The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ prayed until they find God. The scriptures said they prayed until the house where they were praying began to shake.

Praying with prayer points is another great way to pray and find God. It is well known that successful individuals, Christians alike, throughout history have started their day with prayer or quiet reflection. For instance, Oprah Winfrey has publicly said she makes a point of praying every morning. According to her, " My prayer to God every morning on my knee is that the power of the universe should use my life as a vessel or a vehicle, for its work". This is a powerful prayer points. If you want to be successful both spiritually, academically and mentally, build in time for prayer, meditation or simply some dedicated quiet time to contemplate(Prayer Points). Prayer point helps.

   As you find God with your prayer today, my special prayer for you is that your miracles and breakthroughs will come earlier and better than you expected. You will never go below the level that you are. rather you will go higher and higher everyday in the name of Jesus. Today, in the name of Jesus, the almighty God will look beyond your Sins and mistakes with mercy through the blood of His son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers.

Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers. Prayer is an essential aspect of the Christian faith and holds significant importance for fam...