By your power O Lord, I reject backwardness, death, sorrow, calamity, depression,rejection, sadness but claim uplift,divine promotions, success, favour, financial breakthrough and unprecedented divine Miracles in the name of Jesus. Please, claim this prayer points to yourself and the power of God that transcends all powers, will manifested itself in your life in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
10 Powerful Prayer points and proclamations against death and suffering that you can use in prayer.
Bible: How to overcome obstacles and achieve great things in life.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Knowing the Bible: Treasure on Ritual in the Bible.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
God is my provider today , tomorrow, and Always.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Powerful Prayers against Abrupt Demise and Death Dreams.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Supplication for Protection Through the Precious Blood Of Jesus.
Supplication For Protection Through The Precious Blood Of Jesus.
Ruler JESUS, by confidence in your benefits, I currently take your valuable blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family directly from the crown of my head to the actual bottoms of my feet. I guarantee absolute and complete assurance for my life and my family. Ruler JESUS, keep me free today from evil, sin, enticement, Satan's assaults and burdens, dread of obscurity, dread of man, ailment, sicknesses, questions, outrage, all catastrophes and from all that isn't of thy Kingdom.
Fill me Lord JESUS with endowment of your Holy SPIRIT and award me the endowment of insight, information, comprehension and wisdom so I will live today in your brilliance by doing what is correct.
I acclaim you, Jesus
I Thank you, Jesus
I Love you, Jesus
I Adore you, Jesus
Essence of God, you makes me see everything, and shows me the best approach to arrive at my beliefs, you who gives me the heavenly blessing to pardon and never revisit some unacceptable that is done to me, and you who are altogether cases of my existence with me, I in this short discourse need to thank you for everything an assert again that I never need to be isolated from you regardless of how extraordinary the material craving might be. I need to be with you and my friends and family in your Perpetual Glory.
Much thanks to you, Holy Spirit for your affection towards me and my friends and family.
So be it
This supplication ought to be said for 03 sequential days. After the third day the solicitation will be in all actuality, regardless of how troublesome it very well might be.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Prayer for Success.
Pray always , pray anywhere. Lord, God of heaven, I worship and honour you, for every good things come from you and you alone. I thank you for a the successes which you have granted me in my education, job, business and career. I thank you for all the favour which you have granted me in the sight of men and women in Jesus name.
1. Lord, anoint me with fresh oil of favour and success. Exalt my horns O God in the name of Jesus.
2. Grant me favour and success to always see positivism in the name of Jesus.
3. Let the will of God for me be manifested in Jesus name. Give my helpers no rest until they have helped me in the name of Jesus.
4. Every information, idea, understanding, knowledge and revelations I need for success in my business in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord God, every person that you have ordained to be a blessing unto my life, I command that your Angels begin to bring them across my way in the name of Jesus.
6. I connect to success at work, success in business, success in examination, grace for multiplication and blossoms in the name of Jesus.
7. Lord, subdue nations, exam, business etc before me and loose the loins of kings unto me so that they will favor me in the name of Jesus.
8. Today, in the name of Jesus, I put off the garment of sorrow and put up the garment of success, favor and breakthrough in your name. Amen.
9. Oh Lord God, let more of your grace abound in my life in the name of Jesus.
10. Thank you father for favouring and making me outstanding in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Prayer for Peace and Joy in the Family.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
How God will protect you today.
"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven- Ecclesiastes 3:1".
Yes, he has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions- Daniel 6:27. There have been times in your life when you wanted God to rescue you from certain pits but you think He did not. Why? Because he wanted you to learn that His grace was sufficient in the pit. The question is never, "What will God do when all around me spells destruction? The questions is, "What will I do? I may not be able to conquer the Lions, but I do not have to- that is my God job. Daniel said, " My God sent his angel, and .... shut the mouths of the lions...because I was found innocent in his sight. I may not be able to stop legislation from being enacted against me, but like Daniel, I can call on my God and He will answer me.
" Come what may, God's purpose for my life shall be established and fulfilled in the name of Jesus".
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
"IF they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures- Job 36:11 "
"Did you desire god's restoration or divine restoration of health, marriage, relationship, financial restoration, job restoration, restoration of broken relationship, destiny restoration, glory restoration, prayers for marriage restoration or simply looking for "prayer for my marriage to be restored"? If you can pray this prayer points from the bottom of your heart with faith, the Lord God is ready to grant total restoration over your life and your life will never be same again in the name of Jesus."
Good Morning Prayer : Father, I bless you for who you are, you never sleep nor slumber.You are more than what I think or say, be magnified O Lord. I thank you Lord because you are God who restores, you never break your covenant, nor alter anything which you have spoken. Psalm 89:34.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord,I ask for restoration upon my life. Restore everything of time, resources, finances and happiness that I have lost in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, restore every of my blessing , success and wasted years in Jesus name.
3. Restore peace in our Nations in the name of Jesus.
4. Restore peace, joy, happiness, unity in my life, family and marriage in Jesus name.
5. Restore unto me every of my blessings that the enemy has withheld, exchange or diverted in Jesus name.
6. Today, I pray to you O Lord, let your angels gather unto me all my blessings and resources which Satan has stolen from me in Jesus name.
7. Father, let your angels begin to bear me up in every area I have stumbled. Let your angels carry me and place me in my blessings in Jesus name.
8. Lord, cause my helpers to locate me in Jesus name.
9. Father, I was a fool in the area of money and time management. restore unto me the power to make wealth and bring my helper, promoter, favor-er to me wherever they are located in the name of Jesus.
10. I thank you Lord for restoring all my wasted resources, marriage, finances and years in the name of Jesus. Amen.
11. Father, turn embarrassing situations in my life in the name of Jesus.
12. Lord, restore help to save me from frustrating situations in the name of Jesus.
13. My God, deliver me from the curse of begging and borrowing in the name of Jesus.
14. Holy Spirit, end yearly financial struggle in my life in the name of Jesus.
15. Holy Spirit, restore unto me the power of praise in the name of Jesus.
redeem christian church of god.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Why You Must Sin No More.
"Ezekiel 18:20: “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”
The Bible tells us that the wages of Sin is death. But the fact is that our heavenly Father, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, offers the gift of Eternal life for Jesus Christ gives us hope. According to Tim Challies by Tim Challies, of which I quote there is a great danger of be a sinner. Hear him more... I have preached the truth a hundred times to others and a thousand times to myself: You can’t sin without consequence. That’s not the way God has structured his world. It’s not the way God has structured his people. For Christians, the ultimate consequences have been fully paid by Jesus Christ, but this does not mean there is no reason to fear immediate consequences. Here, with an assist from a favorite writer, are four grave dangers in every sin.
The Danger of Becoming Hardened
The Danger of Divine Correction
The Danger of Drained Peace and Strength
The Danger of Eternal Destruction
Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins.
Lead us back to the way of holiness.
Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin.
May we ever keep safe in all its fullness
the gift your love once gave us
and your mercy now restores.
Monday, December 25, 2017
How To Overcome Setback With Prayers From The Holy Bible And Enjoy Unending Season Of Celebration.
To have or experience setback reveals that the devil or enemy is aware of God's plan for your given life. Setback is a function of delay or hindrance set up to resisist divine way of help and blessing, hence you need power of prayers to conquer setback.
Setback can be expressed as a situation or condition which puts you at the disadvantage of progress. No destiny is safe with setback. Glory though ordained to be great cannot shine with setback. Death is even nearer when setback persists. The end of a life or thing is not far from its setback. Remember, that any situation that holds you to a spot will bring your life to a setback.
To conquer setback you need prayer. To conquer setback you need understanding and knowledge of how prayer works. To conquer setback, you need to rebuke the spirit of setback in your life, business,marriage or ministry so as to experience undeniable progress and true happiness that will put you among enviable great people in the society. Can you pray this prayers?
1. Setback is not my portion in the name of Jesus. I prophesy daily progress to my life with exceeding Celebration of wealth and riches, divine uplifts, divine miracles and unprecedented breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.
2. Today, I rebuked and destroy the power raised against my life to set me backward in the name of Jesus. Claim this prayers t yourself and God will empower you with enviable progress which will enable you to recover all that you have lost to setback in the name of Jesus.
You are blessed. Amen
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Prayer For Safety And Protection Quotes.
The Lord is my Mighty one. He is my wide river of protection that no enemy can cross or that any enemy ship can sail upon (Isaiah 33:21). I am strengthened and helped by the Lord. I am held up by His victorious right hand, therefore all my angry enemies lie confused and humiliated.
Those who oppose me come to nothing. Those who try to conquer me are looked for in vain. Those who attack me come to nothing. The Lord holds my right hand and helps me(Isaiah 41:10-14).
The Lord watches over me sleeplessly. He is my protective shade and nothing in the day or in the night can harm me. I am lifted from the dust. They are struck with God's scepter and rod of punishment and fought by his mighty arm(Isaiah 30:31,32).
When going through the deep waters, he is with me. When I go through the river of difficulties, I will not frown. When I walk through fire, I will not be burned up, the flames will not consume me. Others are given in exchange for me. Their lives are traded for mine because God had made me precious to Himself and has put honor on me (Isaiah 43:2-4).
I shall not die but live and show forth His glory in the land of the living .(Psalm 118:17).
Friday, October 20, 2017
Confession Of A Convert.
I was born to a well meaning parents who welcome me into this world with great Joy, lots of ceremonies and entertainments. I was given very good cares especially , in the area of feeding and family love. I attended good schools and and fare very well in my early life. Later, as the days went by, I found myself in the midst of some friends, purposeless, self governed, reckless peer group from above mentioned.
I learn to smoke, drink and also to flirt. We were more active in the nights than in the days . We involved in wild living , fights, violence, rape, dupe, rough and dirty deals. But, not quite long,I became a drug addict , a drunkard and a prostitute. I was often soaked in hot drinks, I drank much, and when drunk, I lost control of myself always. I became temporary mad and usually misbehaved like a fool, indeed a drunkard is a fool, as I really was. I was a fool in three main areas, namely, 1. In the area of my soul welfare . I mocked at the gospel of my salvation. 2. I was a fool in the aspect of sex. I was sexually faceless, reckless and shameless. 3. I was a fool in the area of money and time management.
How stupidly I involved myself talking too much about useless issues, , paying unnecessary, wasting precious time on matters of little or no importance. It is a pity. I wasted my hole life as I foolishly wasted my towns.
But, one day one glorious day, I read a simple tract and read some Bible verses quoted in it. Then I repented of my sins, confessed and forsook them. I gave my life to Christ who gave me a new heart and new life. So in the name of Jesus I become a new creature now in Christ.
today, who oppose me come to nothing. Those who try to conquer me are looked for in vain. Those who attack me come to nothing. The Lord holds my right hand and helps me(Isaiah 41:10-14).
Monday, July 24, 2017
The Great Commandment.
" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself ". Matthew 22:37-39.
I and my son was inside our Chalet. David was the second of my children, followed by Mary. I have been struggling for several hours to locate a document which I could not found. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work.
Unknown tome, my Son David had been watching me wanting to help but not knowing what to do. I was about continue searching but before doing so, I looked up at David and said, David, please, pray for me. The boy did not know what to say, so he began with his usual prayer points and prayer requests, saying, God Almighty, bless my Daddy, bless my Mother, bless Mary, bless Glory. Amen. After the prayer, I tried once again to find the important documents I have been searching for and this time I succeeded in finding it. Hallelujah !
Many at times, you found yourself in the same situation as David, not knowing what words to say. But, we still come to God with our need because our confidence lies not in ourselves nor in our intercession, but in our Lord Jesus Christ. He hears and knows our hearts,
When people struggle and still do not make meaningful progress in life you can tell they do not have much fellowship with God. The love of God in there heart. The Bible did not say, love your God partially, it stated it clearly that, " love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind". Many people will be praying and have there mind somewhere, hence they complained that God did not hear their prayer requests. It is true because there mind is somewhere else.
If you love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, the lord God will make you wise. He'll produce extraordinary results through you, you'll have an excellently fulfilled life. I am absolutely fulfilled in Him. My life has only been in one direction- upwards and forward- for one simple reason: walking in prayer with the Holy Spirit obeying the great commandments.
Love God with all your heart. Although, we may not get what we thought we wanted when we pray to Him, we will receive God's best for our prayer partner knows our deepest needs. God hears more than words. He listens to the heart. In all the Bible say in Romans 8:26, "we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but God Himself makes intercession for us. According to Nicholson, He said, "Sometimes I do not pray in words- I take my heart in my two hands and hold it up before the Lord.I am so glad He understands because the Father loves me. Reciprocates this Love, "Love your God with all your hearts" and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus. amen.
1. Lord God, I surrender my future to you, let it be well kin the name of Jesus. Amen.
2. I decree in the name of Jesus, any bad situations in your life shall receive a divine full stop. Amen.
3. The Lord God will release upon you the anointing to fulfill your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
4. Today, I pray in the name of Jesus that Songs of Joy and victory shall never cease in your home and Church.
5. Because you love your God with all your heart, I pray for you today in the name of Jesus that, no matter your tears now, you will laugh at last. All your hopes and expectations today shall not be cut short in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers.
Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers. Prayer is an essential aspect of the Christian faith and holds significant importance for fam...
RESTORATION PRAYER - 15 PRAYER POINTS FOR RESTORATION. "IF they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and the...
What the Holy book says regarding liberality and giving with a liberal heart? As Christians, the Good book is clear all through...
THE MIRACLE PRAYER. Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word wit...