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Monday, October 9, 2017

Danger And Deliverance From Cultism Meaning.


It was on 3rd of October, 2017. A Secondary School boy of about 16 years old made this startling confession: "I had a quarrel with another boy in my class and reported him to my cult partners. According  to the rule of cult: "one for all, all for one", they felt hurt and determined to revenge on him. They advised me to reconcile with him falsely, and entice him into a bush near the school premises. On getting there, four cult boys who had been in ambush came out suddenly on the unsuspecting boy and forced him to drink a ready poison and about five minutes later, he died and we ran away leaving the corpse. I also have committed sexual immorality with many categories of women, married and unmarried.

     Cults are spreading wide and growing wild day by day. The evils of cultism is eating deep into the social, moral, psychological and spiritual condition of our people. Many youths in the schools and many adults in the business world are secretly involved in cultism, in their sensual effort to pass exams, gain power, attain positions, make cheap money, gain popularity, win court cases, escape death by accidents and enemies attacks. Those who are involved in cult activities have some common characteristics: they are very secretive, heartless, bloody, violent, immoral and lack of fear of God and faith in Christ. Although they may appear pious of religious, they are satanic, wolves in sheep's clothing( 1 John 1:5 ), Leviticus 20:6, 27. Cultism has greatly increased the rate of evils, vices and atrocities and crimes in our society's. Armed robbery, drug addiction, violence, vandalism, harlotry, bribery, rape, homosexuality, corruption, murder, suicide, rituals, in almost all places, are all result of the demonic activities of cult men and women.

Their weapons of attacks include axes, knife, cutlass, dagger, gun, acid and many others. Cultism is sinful and God will punish it. Beloved, are you a cultist? Fear the sure coming judgement of God on every cultist. Jesus loves you. He died for you at Calvary. Turn to Jesus today. Repent and confess your sins to God. Believe in Jesus redemptive work and ask Him to deliver and save you today.


1. Worship in an assembly where the undiluted truth is taught and be fervent in prayer- Psalm 15:2.

2. Walking upright in the gathering of saints- Mika 2:7b

3.Read your Bible every day that Jesus Christ may formed in you- Joshua 1:8.

4. Obey the word of God: The Holy Bible- Revelation 3:10.

5. Take up your cross and follow Christ Jesus daily- Matthew 16:24.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

5 Steps To Looking 10 years Younger.


Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age whether you are a man or a woman, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 48. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day... just look around you.
Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year, even if  your calories stay the same.
Did you know that all of this is reversible at any age? That there are specific ways to move, eat, and think that tell your brain to STOP this rapid aging process... and even SLOW IT DOWN to the point where you're aging less than a year for every year? That means you can look younger at 40 than you do at 35... or if you're like Becky and I, younger at 50+ than we did at 40!
This is not fantasy talk. This does not require a boatload of anti-aging drugs, supplements, or gimmicks. And, this works for anyone, male or female, and works at any age. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75... you name it. The biology is exactly the same.
Please, read more here:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Childre and Family - A Thanksgiving Prayer For The Children And Families In The House Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


"Father,thank you for our Pastors,Evangelists,Missionaries, Chaplains, Clergy's, Ordained Ministers of God and workers in the Churches all over the World. I pray today that the grace and anointing of God will continue to multiply in their life, year after year, in the name of Jesus. Amen".

1. Father, we thank  you for allowing Christians in all Nations to witness yet another day. Thank you for upholding your Churches.  May only your name be glorified.

2. As a Family, we thank you for foreclosing  all manners of tribulations and tragedies in our families.

3. Your word abound, "A righteous may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them- Psalm 34:19. Father, do not let me beg, sorrow or suffer for the rest of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, prosper all my Children so that they they will be able to meet all the family needs.

6. Prayer changes things. Father in the name of Jesus, do not allow Satan to use any of my Children to punish me.

7. Father,do not let me bury any of my Children.

8. Father, we thank you for keeping  the Family in good health. Father Lord, let all my Children continue to be a source of Joy to me in the name of Jesus.

9. In my Family, Christ is working in our life right now. In many ways we can not understand. Hallelujah.

10. On my Children and the entire  Families, all glory belongs to my saviour. Amen.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The History Of Thanksgiving.

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. Spend at least 30 minutes today thanking God for expected blessings in the year, for the Holy Bible says, Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God- Philippians 4:6."

There is no sitting on the fence. Either you are living a life of complaint or a life of thanksgiving . You cannot successfully do both. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end.
Complaining Christians do not believe this scripture. They do not believe that God is in full control of their lives and circumstances, especially in adversity. They grumble and complain that God could have opened His eyes and stopped Satan's dirty work. They also fail to understand that God moves in mysterious ways. They behaves as unbelievers who recently asked that, If god really loves me , why am I sick? If god is truly good, why am I mourning for so long?

The Children of Israel lived as ardent complainers, and the aftermath is there for all to see. An incessant complainer is defective in so many ways. He is short sighted. He easily forgets all the good things God has done and only remembers the list yet to be attended to. A complainer is one who harbors unbelief, as he cannot trust God's faithfulness and is also likely to be a negative influence, who would pollute God's people with evil thoughts. Most likely ,his ungratefulness will prevent him from fully serving god.

 A life of thanksgiving on the other hand , is the one God expects. Jesus, before raising Lazarus from the grave, first thanked God. After he saw Satan fall as lightening from heaven, he thanked god. He lived a life of thanksgiving. One who lives such a life believes God is in absolute control of his life and circumstances .    He has faith and hope in god  . such he will end well. Which of the groups do you fall into? Start a life of thanksgiving today and you will continue to thank God.
Culled from OPEN HEAVENS.

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Great Commandment.


   " And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself ". Matthew 22:37-39.

I and my son was inside our Chalet. David was the second of my children, followed by Mary. I have been struggling for several hours to locate a document which I could not found. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work.

 Unknown tome, my Son David had been watching me wanting to help but not knowing what to do. I was about continue searching but before doing so, I looked up at David and said, David, please, pray for me. The boy did not know what to say, so he began with his usual prayer points and prayer requests, saying, God Almighty, bless my Daddy, bless my Mother, bless Mary, bless Glory. Amen. After the prayer, I tried once again to find the important documents I have been searching for and this time I succeeded in finding it. Hallelujah !

 Many at times, you found yourself in the same situation as David, not knowing what words to say. But, we still come to God with our need because our confidence lies not in ourselves nor in our intercession, but in our Lord Jesus Christ. He hears and knows our hearts,

When people struggle and still do not make meaningful progress in life you can tell they do not  have much fellowship with God. The love of God in there heart. The Bible did not say, love your God partially, it stated it clearly that, " love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind". Many people will be praying and have there mind somewhere, hence they complained that God did not hear their prayer requests. It is true because there mind is somewhere else.

 If you love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, the lord God will make you wise. He'll produce extraordinary results through you, you'll have an excellently fulfilled life. I am absolutely fulfilled in Him. My life has only been in one direction- upwards and forward- for one simple reason: walking in prayer with the Holy Spirit obeying the great commandments.

 Love God with all your heart. Although, we may not get what we thought we wanted when we pray to Him, we will receive God's best for our prayer partner knows our deepest needs. God hears more than words. He listens to the heart. In all the Bible say in Romans 8:26, "we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but God Himself makes intercession for us. According to Nicholson, He said, "Sometimes I do not pray in words- I take my heart in my two hands and hold it up before the Lord.I am so glad He understands because the Father loves me. Reciprocates this Love, "Love your God with all your hearts" and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus. amen.

                                 PRAYER POINTS.
1. Lord God, I surrender my future to you, let it be well kin the name of Jesus. Amen.

2. I decree in the name of Jesus, any bad situations in your life shall receive a divine full stop. Amen.

3. The Lord God will release upon you the anointing to fulfill your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

4. Today, I pray in the name of  Jesus that Songs of Joy and victory shall never cease in your home and Church.

5. Because you love your God with all your heart, I pray for you today in the name of Jesus that, no matter your tears now, you will laugh at last. All your hopes and expectations today shall not be cut short in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How To Find God With Your Prayer.

                                   HOW TO FIND GOD WITH YOUR PRAYER.
God dwells in us as long as we are born again. He is not far from us. He is with us anywhere we go. We need to intimate with the Lord by communicating and interacting with him in prayers. Many people stay without talking to the Lord, some say they do not know how, others claim they do not have any need to tell him about. 

Is it only when you have need that you communicate with your Child, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Relations or Friends? The answer is simply no, we need to talk with the Lord at all times. How to teach Children to pray, how to pray for your relationship, how to pray as a Muslim or Christian or how to pray to god has no rules that guide but sincerity on what comes from your heart.

God does not discriminate anyone, He is a Holy God. There is no respecter of persons with Him. He does not select the class or status of people He answers their prayers. The scriptures according to Deuteronomy 10: !7 says, "The Lord your God is God of Gods, and Lord of Lord, King of Kings, great God, Almighty and a terrible, which regard not persons or take reward. Everybody has access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through prayers. Find God with your prayer.

Ask and let your prayers come to thee. Prayer must be from the heart and must be done with every seriousness if you want to find god. To find God is to have your prayers answered by Him. Jesus prayed, and not only find God but the sweat that came out of His body was as thick as blood(Luke 22:44). The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ prayed until they find God. The scriptures said they prayed until the house where they were praying began to shake.

Praying with prayer points is another great way to pray and find God. It is well known that successful individuals, Christians alike, throughout history have started their day with prayer or quiet reflection. For instance, Oprah Winfrey has publicly said she makes a point of praying every morning. According to her, " My prayer to God every morning on my knee is that the power of the universe should use my life as a vessel or a vehicle, for its work". This is a powerful prayer points. If you want to be successful both spiritually, academically and mentally, build in time for prayer, meditation or simply some dedicated quiet time to contemplate(Prayer Points). Prayer point helps.

   As you find God with your prayer today, my special prayer for you is that your miracles and breakthroughs will come earlier and better than you expected. You will never go below the level that you are. rather you will go higher and higher everyday in the name of Jesus. Today, in the name of Jesus, the almighty God will look beyond your Sins and mistakes with mercy through the blood of His son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers.

Reasons why Christian Family needs a prayers. Prayer is an essential aspect of the Christian faith and holds significant importance for fam...