Prayers : Supplications FOR PEACE AMONG NATION.
All-powerful God our wonderful Father, control the countries of the world into the method of equity and truth, and build up among them that harmony which is the product of nobility, that they may turn into the realm of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So be it.
God-like God, fuel, we implore, in each heart the genuine affection of harmony, and guide with your insight the individuals who consult the countries of the earth, that in serenity your territory may increment until the earth is loaded up with the information on your adoration; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and rules with you, in the solidarity of the Holy Spirit, one God, presently and for ever. So be it.
Individual PRAYER.
O God:
Invigorate me live one more day;
Let me not turn weakling before its troubles or demonstrate weakling to its obligations;
Let me not lose confidence in others;
Keep me sweet and sound of heart, notwithstanding selfishness, injustice, or unpleasantness;
Protect me from disapproving of little stings or giving them;
Assist me with keeping my heart clean, and to live so sincerely and bravely that no outward disappointment can dispirit me or remove the delight of cognizant uprightness;
Open wide the eyes of my spirit that I may see great on the whole things;
Award me this day some new vision of thy truth;
Rouse me with the soul of happiness and joy;
furthermore, make me the cup of solidarity to enduring spirits;
for the sake of the solid Deliverer, our solitary Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So be it.
Award us persistence, O Lord, to follow the street you have taken. Let our certainty not rest in our own seeing yet in your controlling hand; let our cravings not be for our own solace, however for the delight of your realm; for your cross is our expectation and our happiness now and unto the day of forever. So be it.
Heavenly God, your insight into me surpasses what I handle or find at whatever second; you know me better than I know myself. Presently, assist me with confiding in your kindness, to see myself in the light of your heavenliness, and award me the elegance that I may have genuine penitence, make a legitimate admission, and find in you absolution and wonderful abatement. So be it.
Master Jesus, who went with the followers headed for Emmaus: Be with us in transit, that we may know you in the sacred texts, in the eating, and in the hearts of all whom we meet. So be it.
I give God a debt of gratitude is in order for all that was acceptable in the day that is finishing. I ask God's leniency on my wrongdoings and oversights this day. I look for God's tranquility in my home and on the whole the world this evening. So be it
O God, it is by your blessing that evening follows day and that rest reestablishes us after work, while we cheer to get these gifts, make us careful that they come from your thoughtful hand. So be it
Yours, O Lord, is the day; yours additionally is the evening; award that the Sun of Righteousness may withstand consistently in our souls, to drive away all evil contemplations and to alleviate our feelings of trepidation, that we may consistently know the light of Jesus' quality. So be it
O Lord support us all the day long, until the shadows protract and the evening come, and the bustling scene is quieted, and the fever of life is finished, and our work is finished. At that point, in thy kindness, award us a protected housing, and a blessed rest, and harmony at the last. So be it